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Route 58 Economic Development and Land Use Master Plan

The Route 58 Study and Master Plan kicked-off in August 2007 and was complete in 2009. The study area included all land area within the Camptown Development Service District (DSD) boundary, and along the length of the Route 58 corridor to the Village of Carrsville.

Rt58-Study-Area-Thumb-300x182Through this planning effort, County Planning and Zoning and Economic Development staff worked in conjunction with the Southern Development Committee, area citizens, and a project team from Renaissance Planning Group to develop a plan to revitalize the southern end of the County by stimulating local economic growth and creating a vibrant quality of life.

The Southern Development Committee, consisting of Community leaders who reside or own and operate businesses in and around the study area, was appointed by the Board of Supervisors in 2005 as a citizen advisory committee for the project.

To kick-off the study, County Planners distributed a written survey in August 2007 to every household and business located within the study area to determine community desires for growth and development over the next 15 years, including the types of businesses and residences desired for the area.

County Planning staff also conducted a community meeting at Carrsville Elementary School on August 23, 2007, during which a visual preference survey was presented, and citizens were asked to rate preferred architectural and site design features.

The Route 58 Study involved a series of meetings to solicit public input from area citizens, and culminated in the adoption of a master land use plan that included beautification, economic development, transportation improvements, and community facility goals, objectives, and actions.